
Dana Barlev

Guitarist Tel Aviv,Tel Aviv, Israel 34 Follower

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Jazz 03:02 vor 7 Jahre(n)7j
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Modern 07:06 vor 7 Jahre(n)7j
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Modern 06:03 vor 7 Jahre(n)7j
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03:00 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Modern 05:28 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Dana Barlev 03.04.2015

I began studying music at the age of 6, starting with the piano, and fell in love with the guitar at the age of 14.
I was 16 when i first heard the album "secret story" by Pat Metheny. that album changed my life. I started exploring jazz music, went to see jazz concerts and workshops, transcribed jazz guitarists, and later on I enrolled at "Rimon School of music" where I learned jazz properly.
Since graduation i played and recorded with a several ensembles among them TAU big band, classic duo, jazz and rock bands. These days i focus on writing and working with my trio toward my first album.

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About Dana Barlev

