
Artem Belogurov

Pianist Boston, United States 2 Followers

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Classical 04:19 11 years ago11y
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Classical 06:42 11 years ago11y
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Artem Belogurov Jul 23, 2013

Known equally for his "verve, wit, and delicatesse" (Boston Musical Intelligencer) and his "infinite tenderness" (Evening Odessa), Artem Belogurov has an extensive repertoire, ranging through three centuries of solo and chamber works. He has a particular affinity for the Viennese classical style, in which he is distinguished by his use of improvisatory ornamentation. His interest in period pianos of all kinds extends through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He is also a discerning advocate of contemporary music, and collaborates with a number of composers. In 2009 he had the honor of performing the Boston premiere of Elliott Carter's Caténaires for solo piano.
As a soloist and in chamber groups, Artem has performed in a wide variety of venues, among them Jordan Hall, Harvard Musical Association, Elmira College in New York, St Andrews University in Scotland, the Odessa Philharmonic Hall in Ukraine, the Rachmaninoff Society in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and the Castello di Galeazza in Italy.
Artem received his early training at the Stolyarsky School of Music in Odessa, Ukraine, majoring in music theory, piano performance, and composition. In 2009, he received his Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the New England Conservatory in Boston, where his primary teachers were Gabriel Chodos, Patricia Zander, and Victor Rosenbaum. He has also studied with Peter Serkin. In 2007, Artem attended the Aspen Music Festival, and in 2009 the Tanglewood Music Festival.
In 2010, he studied with Robert Levin at the Sommerakademie of the Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria. He has participated in masterclasses with Christian Tetzlaff, Emanuel Ax, Claude and Pamela Frank, Garrick Ohlssohn, Alexander Lonquich, James Levine, and András Schiff. Artem's projects in the coming season include a cycle of the complete Mozart sonatas, performed on fortepiano, a series of lecture-recitals on the Chopin Préludes with the noted musicologist and historian Mark Lindley, and a recording of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century romantic American composers.

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