

Band Zagreb, Kroatien 2 Follower

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World Music 03:03 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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World Music 02:48 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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World Music 03:18 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Comarana 14.07.2013

Camarana is a band made up of talented singer and bass player from Russia Anastasia Tikhonovich and also very talented composer from Croatia Marko Josipović. Love brought them together and they decided to make music. Marko Josipović is the front man of the band, composer and guitar player. Anastasia Tikhonovich is a singer, bass player and sometimes lyrics writer. This band has an interesting combination: Marko Josipoić – experienced musician and talented composer from Croatia, which overcame the hardships of a life of a musician; and Anastasia Tikhonovich – also experienced (but not as much as Marko) and talented singer from Russia, who has very positive attitude toward life. This mix of experience, wisdom and young positivism allows this band work very carefully but fast and well. They don’t have some special social philosophy, which some bands have. They are just so happy to be together, they enjoy so much to write music together, so that love can be called their philosophy. Comarana: “We are just simple and happy people. That is all.”

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