
Ameylia Saad Wu

Harpist Reunion, France 1 Follower

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Classical 00:52 11 years ago11y
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Ameylia Saad Wu Aug 12, 2013

From a Lebanese-Asian family, Ameylia Saad Wu grew up on the French island of Reunion where she embraced the richness of local cultures. She will then share her time between France and Italy, graduating in Musicology from the university of Provence in France, obtaining masters degree in classical and celtic harp as well as in operatic and lyric singing with the Darius Milhaud Academy of Aix-en-Provence, the National Academy of Marseille and the Milan Conservatory.
Her expertise has been rewarded numerous times : 2nd at the Leopold Bellan singing competition in Paris, 1st with honours at the celtic harp artistic competition of Epinal, 1st with honours at the celtic harp UFAM competition in Paris, 3rd at the Jakez Francois international celtic harp competition in Nantes. She is regularly invited as a soprano as well as a harpist to participate in prestigious festivals and cultural events throughout Europe and Middle-East: first part of Rocìo Marquez in Paris, the Alliance Française concerts in Italy and Lebanon, the International Harp Meeting of Dinan, 'les Journées de la harpe' in Arles, the Durance-Lubéron festival, the 'Echanges ECUME', the Mito festival, Amici del Loggione del Teatro alla Scala, 'I concerti della Triennale' in Milan, 'Il Chiostro del Conservatorio', 'Isolabona il paese delle arpe', the 'Notte bianca dell'arte e del mondo' in Brescia, the Young Artists French-German Forum in Bayreuth... Through her voice and her celtic harp, she creates a music and an atmosphere at the crossroads of the new-age, world and contemporary musics. Fourth professional recording of her career, “The dreamer’s dances” is her first soloist album as a performer and a composer.
''Ameylia Saad Wu is first of all a presence on stage with a flamboyant personnality...She not only is a talented harpist but her compositions have clarity and a sense of certainty, she has been training her voice for many years. In her compositions, she skilfully combines the vibrations of the harp with the voice melody, reaching somehow the ancient celtic tradition of the bards who always used to sing their poems with a string instrument...'' Dominig Bouchaud

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