
Barbara Silva

Singer Boston, USA 6 Follower

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Jazz 03:15 vor 10 Jahre(n)10j
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World Music 03:14 vor 10 Jahre(n)10j
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Jazz 02:35 vor 10 Jahre(n)10j
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Barbara Fonseca Silva, also known as Barbara Silva (born July 16, 1991 in São Paulo, Brazil) is an international pop singer, songwriter and producer. She began her professional music education at Souza Lima Conservatory in 2009, and two years later, she transferred to Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA, USA.
Barbara has been studying music business, while performing, writing, and producing her own music. She has been influenced by many sounds of Jazz, Pop, R&B, Gospel and Brazilian music.
Barbara started writing her own music at the age of 18, and soon began to produce her own material. After years of study and obtaining more knowledge in music, Barbara will be releasing her first EP, composed of three of her original songs, in fall of 2013.

Besides improving vocal technique and learn new styles , Barbara had the opportunity to perform with renowned names in American and Brazilian popular music even while studying in the United States as Annie Lenox , Karole King , Willie Nelson , Siedah Garrett , Marcos Valle , Guinga , Valorie Simpson.

The singer also had the opportunity to present "La Música no se Toca" with the Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz and colleagues , during the ceremony of the Latin Grammy Awards in November last year."We sang with him in college and the producers chose some people for the show in Las Vegas. It was very exciting!" she recalls. Now , with diploma in hand , the singer plan to move forward in her career."

I compose on the piano , which helps me a lot to train my hears .A initial intention is that the disk meets tracks in Portuguese and English , with a predominance of the rhythms and the mother tongue, without leaving aside the U.S. technique.
Barbara has also worked with Jetro da Silva (the keyboardist for the late Whitney Houston), Marcos Valle (a renowned Brazilian singer and composer), Siedah Garrett (background singer for Michael Jackson), the engineer Carl Beatty(Herbie Hancock, Luther Vandross, Aretha Franklin, Barbara Streisand, Dionne Warwick, and more), the drummer Anthony Steele (BrianMcKnight), and Gabrielle Goodman (Roberta Flack).

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About Barbara Silva

Soul Funk Weltmusik
