
Andre Heuvelman

Trumpeter Veenendaal, Niederlande 31 Follower

1 Blog Eintrag

Do we deliver or do we make a contribution?

Just take a moment to think about your job. Whether you work in an office or a shop, play in an orchestra or work in the construction business. Your boss, manager, conductor asks you something to do. Do you deliver? Or do you contribute? Deliver in the sense of someone asking you something and you giving it to him or her. Contribution in the sense of you giving something that you feel is being asked for, but you give it in your own unique way. With your heart, with your own timing, because you feel connected and want to do more than just delivering.

Imagine your job. What do you do? This new era asks for more contribution. Taking ownership for the product, lifestyle, sound and feel that brings color and life to your company in order to be successful. Consumers, and especially young consumers, don't buy stuff as an end product anymore. They are fast and cherry pickers. They don't watch TV programs anymore, but they take stuff on demand. Think of Netflix’s success; it’s going sky high!

So back to you: what would you like to do? Contribute? Deliver? It’s your choice.

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