
Chiara Capobianco

Harpist Bangkok, Thailand 1 Follower

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World Music 02:43 11 years ago11y
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World Music 02:56 11 years ago11y
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World Music 04:15 11 years ago11y
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Chiara Capobianco was born in Milano (Italy) in 1980;she is a Music Graduate in Harp (10 year course) at Conservatorio "G. Verdi" Milano (Italy). University graduate in Musicology (3 year course) at Scuola di Paleografia e Filologia Musicale di Cremona (Università degli Studi di Pavia- Italy);She started playing with many different Orchestras (Opera and Symphonic) touring all over Europe since she was fifteen years old. She has performed at many concerts and events with both classic and Irish harp as solo harpist, alongside other musicians She studied different types of music, which have given her a varied repertoire ranging from classical, medieval, renaissance, Irish, popular and contemporary music.
She has also had the chance of studying with harpists such as Annadele Mariani (Italy), Carrol McLaughlin, Harvi Griffin and Park Stickney (U.S.A), Susanna Mildonian (Belgium) and Isabelle Moretti (France). In 2003 she moved to London UK where she performed in several renowned venues, since September 2004 she has been playing on the prestigious Cunard ships, Queen Mary 2, Queen Elizabeth 2, Queen Victoria and and the newest Queen Elizabeth travelling all over the world visiting all the continents. At the moment she is enjoyng a free-lance carrer as solo harpist that takes her to perform all over the globe!

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About Chiara Capobianco

World Music