
Cornelia Zambila

Composer The Hague, Niederlande 11 Follower

3 Videos

Cornelia Zambila vor 11 Jahre(n)11j

Mushrooms and Rose - NAIP 2011

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Cornelia Zambila vor 11 Jahre(n)11j

A beautiful international song by children - "Nordic Art Involves, Inspires and Creates" - project organized by soprano Alexandra Chernyshova in ICeland, with children from the North-West, as well as Latvia and Estonia. The song (lyrics and music) was the result of a one-day laboratory, under the leading of Alexandra Chernyshova, Luca Brembilla and Cornelia Zambila.

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Cornelia Zambila vor 11 Jahre(n)11j

Cornelia Petroiu live with ENS, by Cornelia Zambila - Cornelia Petroiu premiered this piece in June 2011. This is about a fine young composer's musical adventure.

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