
Dalia Kuznecovaite

Violinist Paris, France 4 Followers

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Classical 04:06 11 years ago11y
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Classical 05:38 11 years ago11y
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Dalia Kuznecovaite was born on the 11th of October in the year 1988 in Vilnius. She started to play violin at the age of four. She had been studying at the M. K. Ciurlionis Art School within the years 1995 – 2007. She had been studying at the Higher Music School in Köln (prof. Z. Bron ) within the years 2004 – 2007. She has been studying at the Higher Music and Theater School in Rostock (prof. P. Munteanu) since the year 2007.
Dalia Kuznecovaite is laureate numerous international and republican competitions. In the year 2007 she won the Grand Prix in the international competition “Kloster Schontal” (Germany) and earned a special award as the brightest participant of the competition. In the year 2008 she became a laureate of the international J. Brahms competition in the city of Pörtschach (Austria) and also earned a special award of the Mozart Academy. In the year 2008 Dalia won the first prize and gold medal in the international prestigious S. Szeryng five tours’ competition in Toluca (Mexico). Dalia is a scholar of M. Rostropovich’s Fund since the year 2004.
The violinist, as a soloist, takes an active part in the concerts, held in many countries of Europe and America. Time after time Dalia used to join the Symphonic Orchestra “Deutsche Radio”, “Norddeutsche Philarmonie” (Germany), Symphonic Orchestra “Kärtmer” (Austria), Philarmonic Orchestra Kiew (Ukraine), Lithuanian State Symphonic Orchestra, the Lithuanian National Symponic Orchestra, the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Qatar Philarmonic Orchestra, Calgary Philarmonic Orchestra (Kanada), Szczecin Philarmonic Orchestra (Poland ), Mexico Philharmonic Orchestra, Guanajuato Philarmonic Orchestra (Mexico), Monterrey Symphonie Orchestra (Mexico), Symphonie Orchestra Languedoc Roussillon (France).
In the year 2009 the President of the Republic of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus awarded Dalia with his denominative premium for her creative achievements.
Dalia is playing violin “Dvorak 1899”, which belongs to Lithuanian Bank “Ukio Bankas”.

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