
Classic Beat Orchestra

Band Bukarest, Rumänien 1 Follower

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When classical music meets modern rhythms and sounds, beautiful music is born.
Classic Beat Orchestra is the only Romanian band that brings back classical music in the pipeline. Mischa Simeonov, founder and project leader came with the idea of joining together classic music and modern rhythms, by chance; as it usually happens with all great ideas.

When he was a student in England, at a campus party, in a hallway, he heard from one room electronic music and from another room, classic music… that was the moment when the idea of this project popped up.
The concerts do not have a certain pattern. Improvising during concerts is very important and this is what makes the difference when you come to a Classic Beat Orchestra concert…for artists to send you the vibe of live music, a music that creates itself for you, in the rush of the moment.

When one says classical music, one imagines a baroque concert hall with lots of peopleseated, auditory contemplating the centuries past concords in a mild state of torpor

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