
Erman Türkili

Violinist Istanbul, Türkei 12 Follower

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Classical 05:29 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Classical 01:30 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Dr. Erman Türkili started studying the violin with Dania Kainova at the Violin Department of the Çukurova University State Conservatory in 1995. He has performed with many orchestras since his childhood and given his solo and chamber music concerts in various cities in Turkey. In 2005, he pursued his master′s degree with Prof. Selim Giray at Pittsburg State University, where he worked as an assistant. Türkili has received many awards in various music competitions. He was one of 52 violinist finalists selected in the United States at the end of a competition, organized by the American String Teachers Association. Tükrili completed his doctoral degree with Prof. Eliot Chapo, who is a first violinist of New York Philharmonic and Dallas Symphony Orchestra, at Florida State University, where he served as an assistant. Currently, Dr. Türkili continues to perform in Turkey and the United States.

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