

Band Wien, Österreich 8 Follower

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Jazz 03:26 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Dear friend of Five Sax,

After many requests from our fans, we are excited to announce that we will record our DEBUT CD. http://igg.me/at/fivesax/x/6801155

We will record this year for release in 2015, and it will include some of the best parts of our show, plus a lot of new, unheard material.

To fund the recording we are offering digital and physical pre-sales of the CD, plus a lot of other cool "perks". We want to involve as many of our fans as we can, so you can take part in the project starting from as little as one euro.

We will be grateful for your support, and for your help to spread the word about Five Sax.

Check it out over at indiegogo! http://igg.me/at/fivesax/x/6801155

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About FiveSax

Klassik Jazz Soul

FiveSax is a modern-style saxophone ensemble, which transcends traditional limitations.Equally at ease playing in the streets of Vienna or on the concert hall stage, this highly flexible ensemble is not your typical chamber group! The five members are all prize-winning, virtuoso saxophonists who have come to Vienna from the five corners of the world.
