
Luz Irene Valentina Rigato

Guitarist Treviso, Italien 4 Follower

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Classical 03:41 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Luz Irene Valentina Rigato was born in Treviso (Veneto, Italy) in 1988. At a very early age she
began studying classical guitar under Maestro Gianvincenzo De Pellegrino at the Music School
“T. Albinoni” in Spresiano, near Treviso. Then she continued her study under Maestro Mauro
Zanatta in the musical association “Armonia” in Treviso.
She graduated with full marks at the Conservatory of Music “Jacopo Tomadini” of Udine
(Italy) under Maestro Stefano Viola, and she is currently attending a MMus programme in
guitar at the same school. She dedicated a part of her study to the Romantic repertoire played
on original instruments of the period, studying under professor Brigitte Zaczek at the
University of Music and performing Arts in Vienna, Austria.
She has attended Master classes held by Oscar Ghiglia, Pavel Steidl, Stefano Viola, Aniello
Desiderio, Gaelle Solal, Susana Prieto, Paolo Cherici, Thomas Offermann, Pierluigi Corona.
She has been holding concerts both as solo and as member of an Ensemble, receiving flattering
appreciations from both public and critics, and she has also been performing in many festivals.
She has taken part in many competitions all over Italy, obtaining many great results:
Overall winner at the Competition “Andrès Segovia 2007” in L’Aquila, Abruzzo
Overall winner at the National Competion of Musical Execution “Città di Riccione”
Overall winner at the Competition “Giulio Regondi” in Vigevano, Lombardy
Overall winner at the International Competition “Musica Insieme” in Musile di Piave, Veneto
Winner at the National Competition “Giulio Rospigliosi” in Lamporecchio, Tuscany
Winner at the European Competition of Classical Guitar “Città di Gorizia”
Winner at the National Competition “Città di Piove di Sacco”, Veneto
Winner at the International Music Competition “Città di Padova”
Overall Winner at the National Competition for Talented Youth in Cassola, Veneto.
Overall winner at the International Interpretation Competition “Città di Maccagno”
(Lombardy), also winner of the Award for the best Guitar Performance in memory of A. Rossi
Overall winner at the International Competition “Anemos” in Rome
Winner at the National Competition for Young Musicians “Luigi Zanuccoli” in Stigliano al
Rubicone, Emilia-Romagna
Winner at A.Gi.Mus. show in Quinto Vicentino, Veneto
2nd Place at the Music Competition “Città di Lissone” (Lombardy)
2nd Place at the International Performance Competition “Claxica 2011” in Castel d’Aiano,
Finalist at Forum Guitar Wien
She plays a fir guitar made by the Italian luthier Marco Bortolozzo and a cedar guitar made by
the Austrian luthier Bernd Holzgruber.

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