
A. Fiddle-Hooper

Violinist San Francisco, USA 7 Follower

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Neo-classic 06:09 vor 8 Jahre(n)8j
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Sharing music with as many as possible to provide that moment of peace, tranquility and escape. Music has saved my life many times over and it is the universal language of the soul spanning across cultures, continents, emotions and experiences. It is my duty to share my inspiration and devotion with you.

Please, enjoy and take the moment with you into the chaos.

Most Lovingly,
A. Fiddle-Hooper

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About A. Fiddle-Hooper

Crossover Electronic Funk

Fiddle-Hooper, an internationally acclaimed violinist, electric violinist, cellist, composer, videographer, producer and instructor has touched thousands of lives globally with her music, art and all encompassing world view. Her 25 years of professional repertoire provides a well-rounded blend of Classical, Soul, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rock, Celtic, Middle Eastern, Indian Classical and Alternative Trance styles.

In December 2012, she completed the "ARW 2012 World-Tour" offering her music and solo show 'ELEMENTAL: An audio/visual journey through the elements that create us'. The original live & pre-recorded compositions with poetic lyrics and theatrics were presented to the countries of England, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Japan and the U.S. rocking the cities of London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Kamiana, Vienna, Klagenfurt, Kyoto, Osaka, Khoyasan Mountain, Hiroshima, Maui and Hilo.

ANANTA has also played and taught in India and Australia. She has played with bands/artists such as Gabby La-La, Les Claypool, ANANTASky, Jane Wiedlin, Pamela Parker, Boots Riley, Kaki-King, Jaya Lakshmi, Lost at Last, Jay Lane, Geoffrey Gordon, Shirley King, Joanne Rand, The Mountain Goats, Sukhawat Ali Khan and many more!

As an instructor, ANANTA has started and/or worked with music programs in San Francisco, Healdsburg, Sonoma & Napa Valley Charter and Music Schools, as well as internationally in India, Europe and Japan. She continues to work with 'dedicated' students privately!
