
Elad David

Guitarist Be'er Sheva, Israel 21 Follower

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Jazz 01:39 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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World Music 03:02 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Rock 01:15 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Now I am working on a professional Ukulele book. music notation & tabs with my arrangements.
check out my arrangements here:

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About Elad David

Rock Jazz Weltmusik

Elad David, born on 21/2/1981 in Be’er Sheva, Israel, started his relationship with the guitar at the age of 12 and by the age of 15 was already playing and performing with his own band...
After his military service, Elad studied 3 years at “Rimon” school of jazz and contemporary music, gaining a lot of theoretical knowledge and technique. Elad is very open minded to a lot of different styles of music, both in his influences and in his playing, in addition to his original material.

Over the years he played in some classic rock and grunge cover bands, with original progressive rock bands and with a world music drummers ensemble. He also played in a jazz guitar duo with his first guitar teacher as a partner, played with R&B singer, Yael Olsher, in the band “Solix”, the band 306°, and with singer/songwriter, Eytan Dror.

He is currently playing mainly in the band “Pavlove Dogs”, and with Eytan Dror (Ensemble Dror - Hebrew poetry). Elad also serves as a studio recording session player, playing all types of guitars including bass guitar, and ukulele.

Elad also currently working on his first original instrumental album, trying to explore and create new sounds, techniques and elements on the guitar.


Titel Komponist Rolle
Session Musician Guitar, Bass & Ukulele player
