
Liron Meyuhas

Percussionist Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel 4 Follower

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World Music 08:24 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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World Music 04:02 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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World Music 06:37 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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World Music 02:48 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Liron Meyuhas 19.01.2015

Percussion artist, Mistress of Hang drum, singer and song writer,is involved in various musical projects from all over the world. For the last decade Liron has been travelling
all over the world: North and west africa, the mediterrenean and the middle east,
all those places are represnted in her music. Nowdays she is performing with her
project: “La Gitana”, containing original material and tributes for musicians who inspired her along the way, From traditional rhythms to cutting edge modern day sounds, a unique world wide and across time journey.

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About Liron Meyuhas

Folk Funk Jazz
