
Keith Stanfield

Violinist London, Vereinigtes Königreich 1 Follower

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Classical 03:39 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Classical 05:33 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Classical 06:14 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Classical 08:26 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Keith Tasi Stanfield is a deputy of Dr. Remus Azoitei at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He gives masterclasses in schools and junior & senior conservatoire departments on a regular basis. In 2009 he co-founded the Stanfield Academy of Strings in Notting Hill, London UK. From humble beginnings, the Academy flourished into a specialised education service offering tuition to adults and children of all backgrounds and abilities. Students were formatively prepared for ABRSM exams, scholarships, competitions and conservatoire entrance. In conjunction with this, he has acted as a consultant for a small number of independent London schools, setting up their String Departments and advising on musical education for various London tuition firms.

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