
Kristen Lee Sergeant

Singer New York City, USA 2 Follower

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Jazz 05:02 vor 11 Jahre(n)11j
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Kristen Lee Sergeant is a singer of interpretive skill and musical talent poised to make an impression in the jazz world. With a performing history onstage in theater and on the jazz bandstand, she has a trove of interpretive and musical skills she’s brought to venues in New York City including the Zinc Bar, Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, The Iridium, Ashford & Simpson’s Sugar Bar, The Garage, and The Somethin’ Jazz Café.
Her abilities have brought her to both the theatrical and concert stages, where she was mentioned as "especially entertaining" by The Boston Globe. Kristen’s stage career has spanned her native Boston and her NYC home, performing material ranging from Gilbert & Sullivan to Jacques Brel  with companies such as The Huntington Theater Company, The York Theater Company, The Lyric Stage Company of Boston, Gallery Players and the as part of the NYC International Fringe Festival.  Notably, Kristen originated the role of Nancy Kerrigan in “Tonya & Nancy: The Rock Opera,”  last appearing at the American Repertory Theater’s Club Oberon. She received praise from diverse sources as Boston Herald to the Ice Network; appearing on CNN, and in ESPN Magazine.  The librettist of the work comments:
"Kristen Lee Sergeant is a dynamo, a full voiced, fiery haired singer of dazzling talents."
              - Elizabeth Searle
  On the concert stage she has also made an impression, recently joining cabaret legend Steve Ross at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts. Regarding those appearances he writes:
"Kristen has it all. She won the audience with her poise but poise doesn't swing and Kristen, in addition to her musicianship, DOES swing! She brings heart and rhythm to whatever she performs."
                                      - Steve Ross
  On the jazz scene, Kristen has been working with seasoned masters and new stars of the art. She collaborates, performs and has recorded with David Budway, MaxJazz recording artist, who says: 
 "Kristen Lee Sergeant has a stunning presence on and offstage, and sings with a purity and dynamic that is missing from many of today’s singers. Her interpretation of a song is matched only by her beautiful, sexy sounding voice."
                                                                                                       - David Budway
  In addition to Budway, Kristen has worked with other notables such as Jeb Patton, Joris Teepe , Ray Gallon and others. She appeared for years as the singer for “Our Father Who Art Blakey,” a big band featuring exciting young talents led by former jazz messenger Valery Ponomarev. He remarks,
 "My impression is that it won’t be too long before we see Kristen Lee Sergeant’s name on the biggest Hollywood, television and Broadway productions."
                                                                                                      - Valery Ponomarev
Kristen earned a B.A. in Music from Brandeis University, where she was awarded the Ira Gershwin prize. She studies with vocalist, composer and multi-instrumentalist Tom Lellis, with whom she continues to refine her abilities of musical invention and lyrical sensitivity. A word from the artist herself:
"I’m inspired and edified by the great fellow artists and teachers that support and inform my work. I find such joy in this music – every performance is an opportunity for my audience, musicians and me to share in that. I bring my musicianship and authenticity to the bandstand every performance in service of what’s most important – that we all have a memorably great time."

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About Kristen Lee Sergeant

