
Martina Albano

Singer Boston, USA 3 Follower

1 Blog Eintrag

Music is not something I have grown up with but definitely something I have always wanted to be. I started playing piano when I was a kid but I didn’t have the courage to really sing until I was 15. I really understood that this is what I wanted to do. I want to be able to express myself through communication, through music, something complex but still so immediately effective. I am constantly trying to find effective ways of communication.
I am interested in everything that I get in contact with, and I believe the passion and the joy add something to my musical journey. My main goal is to explore the music that inspires me and try to make something that will communicate with other people. With music, I believe, it is always about more than just me or you, it’s about communication, unification, expressing unity through diversity. Definitely, the vocalist and musician that I am now were completely transformed from when I entered Berklee. This is the beauty of college. There are people from all over the world that come from the most different musical experience, both people who are prodigies and then ones who, like myself, were just starting.
In this incredible inspiring place I came in contact with folkloristic music from Cuba, Brazil, Argentina that somehow spoke to me in a different way than pop music, for example. This was something I just could better connect to, with really raw emotion. In this music the musicians were not necessarily the best vocalists, but people who really reach into their souls and told their stories. I think that every artist is inclined to constant changes, and I love the possibility of transformation. In our lives we all get through significant changes that most of the time are naturally translated or reflected into different styles or images. But although I am constantly evolving, the seed, the essence, doesn’t ever change. There are a few things that are inherent to my character and personality that will always be there. Even if you make big changes in your image or sound, if you are true to yourself everyone will believe you, since it will be powerful enough to convince everyone else.

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