
Paul Luculescu

Percussionist Bukarest, Rumänien 2 Follower

5 Videos

Paul Luculescu vor 12 Jahre(n)12j

TV presentation - Un scurt video-reportaj despre percutionistul Paul Luculescu, realizat cu ocazia premierei spectacolului "Feel The Rhythm - Paul Luculescu Band" (Pitesti, 20 ianuarie 2011) imagine si montaj: alex serban, cosmin serban un film de http://alexserban.ro http://3punctefoto.blogspot.com/2011/02/paul-percutionist.html

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Paul Luculescu vor 12 Jahre(n)12j

Brooms - Paul Luculescu Band

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Paul Luculescu vor 12 Jahre(n)12j

Interviu with Paul Luculescu on TVR

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Paul Luculescu vor 12 Jahre(n)12j

Paul Luculescu solo Feel the Rhythm - un scurt solo din spectacolul Feel the Rhythm http://www.paulluculescu.ro filmare stefan niculescu

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Paul Luculescu vor 12 Jahre(n)12j

Concertul pentru vibrafon si orchestra - Orchestra Filarmonicii Pitesti Dirijor: Razvan Luculescu Solist: Paul Luculescu

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