

Harpist Birmingham, Vereinigtes Königreich 49 Follower

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Jazz 02:49 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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Jazz 02:06 vor 9 Jahre(n)9j
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About Tsvetelina

Klassik Soundtrack Blues

Miss Tsvetelina Likova is a harpist based in the UK and Eastern Europe. Originally from Bulgaria, her career ambition brought her to many places in the world. In the United Kingdom, she studied the harp at the prestigious Birmingham Conservatoire with Catherine White and now she's continuing her studies with Eleanor Turner, Catrin Finch and Katherine Thomas there, after one year of professional development as a harpist in Dubai, working for one of the best music agencies in the UAE - The Fridge.
She is also a graduate of National Music School “Lubomir Pipkov” in Sofia with profile harp and excellent diploma. Throughout the twelve years, she has been playing the harp she has participated in many solos, chamber and orchestra concerts in Bulgaria, France, Italy, Cyprus, Greece and United Kingdom. She has been part of Youth Orchestra ‘Sofia’, Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra, Classic FM Orchestra, Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of Russe Opera House, Birmingham Conservatoire Symphony Orchestra, Halesowen Orchestra, People's Orchestra among others. Also, she has been part of Bulgarian National Children’s Choir and Birmingham Conservatoire Chorus.

Her repertoire covers music of different musical styles, like Baroque, Classical, Romanticism, and Impressionism, as well as Contemporary music, Film soundtracks, Popular songs and Blues and Jazz. Miss Likova is always open for new and challenging music. Her desire is to explore the music of the world and to enrich her knowledge in different areas of music, as well as to popularize the beautiful musical instrument – the harp with the peace, harmony and fascinating sound it brings.
