
Giacomo Scinardo

Pianist Catania, Italy 5 Followers

1 blog entry

Born in Catania, Italy, in 1983, Giacomo  Scinardo started studying the piano very young guided by the teacher Agatella Catania. He obtained the Second level graduation – Musical Interpretation and composition Course -  with first class honours in the Istitute Vincenzo Bellini  “High musical education”  guided by M° Epifanio Comis, who actually  follow him in his artistic growth. He attended a lot of masterclasses in very prestigious and renowned Institutes and Academies, such as  The Ecole Normale de Musique “Alfred Cortot” in Paris,  the  “West Chester University” of Philadelphia and the Conservatory of  Salonicco, having, during his artistic carrer, the opportunity to improve himself  thanks to great masters like Sergio Perticaroli, Bernard Ringeissen ,Philippe Entremont, Lleslie Howard, Carl Cranmer, Dana Borsan, Zenon Fishbein, Igor Resnianski, Carla Giudici, Robert Bedford, Jean Michel Damase, Nelson Delle Vigne Fabbri.Since he was very young, he won a lot of awards, placing first in more than twenty national and international piano competitions, such as “E.M.A.”, national contest Città di Osimo; the national competition “Antonio Trombone” Palermo; the 18° and the 28° national contest “A.M.A. Calabria”; the third competition “Igor Stravinskj” in Agrigento; the international competition “Mendelson Cup” of Lecce; the fourth edition of  Premio “Oriolomusica” Calabria and the second edition of the piano competition  for young talent “Giuseppe Ierna”. He collaborated as soloist with very important and prestigious orchestras such as the Sinfonica of Kiev conducted by M° Michael Zukernik, the West Chester University Orchestra in the United States conducted by Ovidiu Marinescu, the Sinfonica of Lugansk, the Sinfonica of Dnepropetrovsk, the Sinfonica of Donetsk in Ucraina, the Moldavian philharmonic Orchestra in Chisinau, the Orquestra Simfònica of Sant Cugat Barcelona, the Philarmonica George Enescu of Bucarest, the Orchestra of National Theatre of Opera and Ballet “Oleg Danovski” of Costanta, the Orquesta Clásica Andaluza of  Malaga and the Orquesta Ciudad de Melilla.  He was performer in a lot of recitals as soloist and he played in many ensembles. He usually performed in very prestigious and suggestive concert halls such as, citing the most representatives,  the “Salle Cortot” in Paris, the “Phillips Memorial Library”e the “Holland Art House” in the United States, the Halls of the Philarmonica  of  Dnepropetrovsk, Lugansk and  Donetsk in Ucraina, the  Great Hall of the Moldavian Philarmonica of  Chisinau,  la Central Hall of the national conservatory of  Salonicco in Greece, the “Ateneul Român” of Bucarest, the National Theatre of Opera and Ballett "Oleg Danovski" of  Constanta, the Auditorium of  Sant Cugat Pl. De Victòria dels Ángels  of  Barcellona, the Palazzo Ruspoli of  Rome  for the association  “Carla Fendi ”, the  Sala Pacifico del Centro Civico de la Diputación Provincial of  Malaga, the Teatro Municipal Isabel la Catolica of  Granada, the Centro Cultural Generación de la Deputación in Malaga, the “Art Academy of Zurab Tseretely” and the Concert Hall  “Ippolitova – Ivanova Academy” of Mosca, obtaining always widespread of  public and critics.Moreover, Giacomo Scinardo took part, invited by the organizer authorities, at numerous International Music festivals, such as the second edition of the “Samuel Barber International Festival” in Philadelphia, U.S.A., in which he performed in recital, in quartetto and with the  WCU  Orchestra; in Ucraina, at Lugansk, for the  “Gran Galà Pianistico Italiano Tour” and  at Donetsk  for the  event “Piano Forum”. Recently he was invited by the Russian Academy of Arts of  Mosca for performing  in recitals, playing music of  Prokofiev and Scrjabin. In  2011, in the city of  Adrano, Sicily, he was among the judges of the  first International Piano competition of Adrano, in which chairwoman of the jury was the famous russian pianist Violetta Egorova.

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