

Artist Vienna, Austria 28 Followers

5 videos

MASAMI MORIMOTO 9 years ago9y

Benefit concert for Fukushima on March 11th, 2015 at Ehrbarsaal Prayner Konservatorium, Vienna http://www.yuryrevich.com, http://www.masami-morimoto.com Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/yury.revich?...

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MASAMI MORIMOTO 9 years ago9y

Benefit concert for Fukushima on March 11th, 2015 at Ehrbarsaal Prayner Konservatorium, Vienna http://www.masami-morimoto.com, https://www.onepoint.fm/yukomitani/ 

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MASAMI MORIMOTO 9 years ago9y

Benefit concert for Japan on Oct. 17, 2011 at EHRBARSAAL IM PRAYNER KONSERVATORIUM , VIENNA

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MASAMI MORIMOTO 10 years ago10y

Koto with Violin,Tomoko Mayeda Hirata - ``Spring Sea ´´ - Miyagi Michio Red Cross Ball at Rathaus, Vienna on November 15, 2013

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MASAMI MORIMOTO 11 years ago11y

"Silence" - Oliver P. Graber (performed on Koto by Masami Morimoto)

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