
Pietro Roffi

Accordionist Valmontone, Italy 6 Followers

1 blog entry

“The young and talented accordionist manages to turn his accordion into various instruments, as only the elected ones can do” (Daily ‘Puntual’, Argentina)

Pietro Roffi was born near Rome in 1992. He’s the winner of a lot of national and international competition in the modern/variété genre, including the third place in the World Accordion Trophy (Spain, 2010) and the First Prize in the International Competition of Castelfidardo (Italy, 2010). During his musical studies., now completely turned to classical and contemporary music, he attended seminars held by O.Murray (Uk), C.Jacomucci (Italy), Y.Shishkin (Russia), F. Angelis (France), M.Rantanen (Finland), and S.Hussong (Germany). He is currently studying at Conservatory “Santa Cecilia” of Rome with Prof. Massimiliano Pitocco and since 2011 he has started his concert career in Italy and abroad (Europe, Asia, South America) as soloist, in chamber music and as soloist in Orchestras (in may and june 2014 he performed as soloist with Philarmonic Orchestra of Tivoli). His repertoire ranges from baroque music (for organ and harpsichord) to the piano literature of the XIX-XX century and touches the innovative original music for classical accordion. Pietro is recognized by the most important Italian accordion teachers as one of the best performer of the new generation. In november 2013 he performed in a concert at the Royal Academy of Music in London. From March 26 to April 3, 2014 he made a concert tour in China (in the cities of Beijing, Tianjin and Nanjing) organized by Italian Culture Institutes of Beijing and Shanghai. From 28 May to 15 June 2014 performed in a long tour of 13 concerts in Argentina (in cities such as San Salvador de Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, Rio IV, La Rioja, San Francisco, Córdoba and others ones) proving a great success with the public and music critics. He is particularly involved in the research of new contemporary music and he collaborates with important Italian composers in writing musical works where classical accordion is directly involved. ​

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