
Sabin Penea

Violinist Bucharest, Romania 5 Followers

5 videos

Sabin Penea 9 years ago9y

Some rock on violin :)

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Sabin Penea 11 years ago11y

N. Paganini - Caprice 17 - N. Paganini - Capricio XVII Sabin Laviniu Penea Teatrul de Opera "Oleg Danovski" Constanta

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Sabin Penea 11 years ago11y

Duetul - muzica : C. Debussy - Claire de Lune actori : Laura Argesean Sabin Penea regia : Catalina Balan

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Sabin Penea 11 years ago11y

C. Saint-Saens - Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso - Sabin Penea, violin

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Sabin Penea 11 years ago11y

E.Bloch - Nigun - Sabin Penea, violin Eliza Gabriela Puchianu, piano

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